Travel insurance AS it should be

Flexible single or annual multi-trip travel insurance

Image of camper van, surfboards and the kitchen sink!
Small retro suitcase with toy aeroplane and googles

Our flexible cover options

Whether you're taking a break abroad or enjoying a staycation, we have a policy for you. 

  • Single trip
    Get comprehensive travel cover for your one-off getaways.
  • Annual multi-trip
    Take several trips within a year and we can cover you for up to 62 days per trip.
Couple sitting with map on red background

Choose from three levels of cover

Simply choose from our three levels of cover to get the protection you need when you're travelling. We offer:

  1. Rias silver travel insurance
  2. Rias gold travel insurance
  3. Rias platinum travel insurance

Compare cover levels

What's included? Rias silver
travel insurance
Rias gold
travel insurance
Rias platinum
travel insurance
Medical expenses  £10,000,000  £15,000,000 £20,000,000
Cancellation or cutting
your trip short
£3,000 £5,000 £7,500
Personal belongings £1,250 £2,000 £3,000
Personal money £1,000 £1,250 £1,500
Standard gadget cover £500 £500 £750
Missed departure £300 £1,000 £1,250
Pet care £250 £500 £750
Legal expenses and assistance £15,000 £25,000 £25,000
Excess* £100 £75 £50
medical green cross logo

What if I have a pre-existing medical condition?

We are happy to quote for most medical conditions, but if you have a condition that means you pay significantly more for your insurance, it could be worth speaking to a specialist provider to compare quotes. Visit the MoneyHelper Directory of Specialist Insurance Providers or call 0800 138 7777 for more information.

Get in touch

We're here to support you

If you’re finding things challenging, we have resources to help:

Policy help
 for questions and support with managing your policy.

Communication preferences to ask that we communicate with you in different formats, such as large print or braille.

Financial support if you're struggling to keep up with payments.

You can also visit our support page or chat to us anytime.

Working on a laptop outside

View our travel policy wording

Read our policy wording and find the right level of cover for your needs.