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Fire and Heat: Buildings and contents cover

When you're looking to make a heat or fire related claim, the first thing you'll want to check is what you are and aren't covered for.

We've extracted the details of what is and isn't covered below for fire and heat related damage. To see the full details of the policy, download Rias home insurance policy document

What do we mean by 'buildings'?

Buildings means the home shown in the schedule/statement of fact and:

  • fixtures and fittings
  • garden walls, gates,
  • hedges and fences,
  • decking, paths,drives, patios,
  • carports, permanent swimming pools built of brick, stone or concrete,
  • permanently fixed hot tubs or jacuzzis,
  • hard tennis courts, garden sheds, greenhouses and outbuildings.

Damage caused by wear, tear and depreciation is a general exclusion within this section of your policy.

When you're looking to make a claim, the first thing you'll want to check is what you are and aren't covered for.

Standard policy excess

You pay the first £50 of all claims for every incident, except for subsidence, ground heave and landslip for which there is a £1,000 excess.

We've listed the details below, but you can also download your home insurance policy document.

Buildings cover

You’re only covered under this section of the policy if it says so on your Statement of Fact, which was given to you when you bought this insurance.



What's covered? 

What's not covered?

Your buildings are covered for loss or damage caused by:

  • Fire, smoke, explosion, lightning or earthquake.
  • Scorching, singeing or melting without a fire starting (i.e. no flame, no claim)
    Please note – if you would like to be covered for this, you may wish to consider the Accidental Damage Extension.

  • Damage by any gradual cause.

Please contact Customer Services for more information.

  • Subsidence or ground heave of the site the buildings stand on, or landslip.

Damage caused by:

  • Subsidence, ground heave or landslip (such damage is covered separately).


Extra benefits


What's covered? 

What's not covered?

Rebuilding or repairing buildings damage

Necessary and reasonable expenses for rebuilding or repairing the buildings as a result of damage insured under this section including the following:

  • Architects, surveyors and legal fees
  • The cost of clearing debris from the site, clearing drains and demolishing or shoring up the buildings
  • Other costs necessary to keep to government or local authority requirements, unless you had received notice to meet the requirements before the damage occurred.

The cost of preparing a claim

  • Any amount above the maximum claim limit under this section The most we will pay under this section is 15% of the buildings maximum claim limit shown on the schedule/ statement of fact.


What do we mean by 'contents' ?

Household goods, high-risk items, money and personal belongings you or your family own or are responsible for.

This is ‘new for old’ cover. This means that when you receive a claims settlement, there will be no deduction for depreciation. We may repair, reinstate or replace the damaged property. If we cannot replace or repair the property we may pay for the loss or damage in cash.

Where we can offer repair or replacement through our preferred supplier but we agree to pay a cash settlement the payment will not exceed the amount we would have paid the preferred supplier.

We will decide which option is most appropriate. This does not include items held or used for business purposes, other than the items defined as ‘business equipment’ in the ‘words with special meanings’ section of this policy booklet.



What's insured? 

What is not insured?

Your and your family’s contents are covered when they are:

  • In the home

  • Outside but within the boundary of the home

  • In a building within the boundary of the home
    with an open front or side, such as a carport.

    Please note – refer to the ‘words with special meanings’ section for a definition of home.

  • Damage from wear, tear and deterioration Interior decorations

  • Anything insured under another policy or more specifically, insured elsewhere in this policy

  • Any aircraft, boat, caravan, motor vehicle (including motorbikes and mechanically powered vehicles) or trailer, or any accessories or contents in them or attached to them

  • Animals (including domestic pets)

  • Growing trees, shrubs or plants

  • High-risk items or personal belongings removed from the home unless specified within your schedule/statement of fact

  • Damage caused by moths, vermin, parasites, insects, wet rot, dry rot, fungus, atmospheric conditions (such as dampness or dryness), light or other gradual causes.

The contents are covered by loss or damage caused by any of the following:

  • Fire or smoke, explosion, lightning or earthquake
    Resulting in loss or damage to contents

  • Scorching, singeing or melting, where a fire has not started (i.e. no flame, no claim)
  • Loss or damage caused gradually.

    Please note – if you would like to be covered for this, you may wish to consider the accidental damage extension. Please contact Customer Services for more information.
  • Subsidence, ground heave or landslip
    Subsidence or ground heave of the site your home stands on, or landslip.

    Please note – if you have buildings insurance, your buildings will be insured for this.

Any exclusions on subsidence, ground heave and landslip listed under buildings insurance


Extra benefits


What's covered? 

What's not covered?

Alternative accommodation

If you cannot live in your home because of damage insured under this section:

  • We will pay the reasonable cost of necessary alternative accommodation for you, your family and domestic pets until you can live in your home again and

  • If you are a tenant, they will also pay any rent that you have to pay while you are not living in your home
  • Any amount over 20% of the maximum claim limit within any one period of insurance.

    For example, if you have contents insurance of £50,000 then the maximum you could claim for alternative accommodation would be £10,000.

Fatal injury

If you or any member of your family have a fatal injury:

  • Caused by fire in your home
  • As a result of an assault in your home.
  • £5,000 will be paid for the person who dies, but only if they die within 12 months of the fire or assault.

Damage as a tenant

  • If you are a tenant of your home, we will pay for loss of or damage to interior decorations and home improvements you have made that have been caused by the risks listed in this section.
  • Any amount over 10% of the maximum claims limit within one period of insurance for loss or damage to interior decorations or your home improvements.

Please note this is an extract of heat / fire related sections of the Rias Home Insurance policy. View the full Rias home insurance policy document