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How to make a claim online

Here, we've outlined the steps you should take if you need to make a claim for Storm Damage.

Except for flooding, all claims for storm damage can be made quickly and easily online 24/7 without the need to pick up the phone.  However, if your home has suffered from flooding, please call us directly on 0345 165 5753, and speak to a member of our claims team, who will guide you through the claims process.

Before you do anything

Depending on the level of damage to your home, you may need to put things in place to make your home safe, or prevent any further damage to your property occurring whilst waiting for us to contact you.

However, do not carry out any works that will prevent us from assessing the property damage if we need to or throw away any damaged items.

In support of your claim, you may be asked to provide additional information such as photos of any damage, invoices for any temporary repairs, any invoices for any previous works or maintenance carried out to the property.


Check your policy excess and level of cover 

Before you register your storm claim online, you will need:

  • Policy number
  • Date of birth
  • Contact details: Number and Email address
  • Date of when the incident occurred
  • Note of all of the damaged areas (if known) to the property

What to expect when you make a claim

Once we have approved your claim, in most cases either one of our assigned suppliers or claims handlers will make a cash settlement offer so that you can use a tradesman of your own choice.

If the damage is severe, we may arrange further assistance for you to repair the damage. If the damage is substantial, we will get an expert to manage your claim on our behalf and they will talk you through the next course of action.  

If the level of damage means that you must leave the property, we can help you make those arrangements, whether you stay with relatives or in alternative accommodation, we will help find the best solution for you.

Water damaged contents may need replacing or restoring, we will let you know how we can help with those too - but please remember not to throw these damaged items away until until we let you know its ok to do so.

How to manage your claim

If we have appointed a supplier on your claim and they are managing the claim on our behalf, please contact them in the first instance via the contact details we have already provided.

If you do not have the supplier, contact details, please visit the Claims Hub where their contact details are also stored for your convenience.

Claims team

If you'd like to speak to our claims team, please call 0345 165 5753.  We are available 24/7 for emergency claims.

Please remember we could experience a high number of calls after an extreme weather event, therefore waiting times will be longer than usual.